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The Ultimate Guide to DIY Tool Sharpening by Hi-Spec

The Ultimate Guide to DIY Tool Sharpening

This guide is for all those who believe in maintaining their tools and keeping them in top-notch condition. It's for the DIY enthusiasts, the craftsmen, the hobbyists, and homeowners who love to roll up their sleeves and take matters into their own hands. Stick with us as we take you through the wonderful world of DIY tool sharpening.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction 
  2. Understanding Your Tools 
  3. Sharpening Basics 
  4. Essential DIY Tools for Sharpening 
  5. Step-by-Step Guide to Sharpening Different Tools 
  6. Advanced Techniques and Tips 
  7. Safety Measures 
  8. Conclusion 


The art of tool sharpening is an essential skill for all DIY enthusiasts. Not only does it save money, but it also ensures the longevity and efficiency of your tools. This comprehensive guide will take you through everything you need to know about DIY tool sharpening, from understanding your tools to mastering advanced sharpening techniques.

Understanding Your Tools

1. Types of Tools

Different tools require different sharpening techniques. Broadly, tools can be categorized into cutting tools like knives, chisels, and planes; and garden tools like shears, pruners, and lawnmower blades.

Knives: The blades of knives are usually thin and require a delicate touch when sharpening so as not to chip or crack the edge.

Chisels: These tools have a single bevel on one side of the blade and require a specific angle to be maintained during sharpening.

Planes: These woodworking tools have a blade set at an angle with the bevel facing down, requiring special consideration when sharpening.

Garden Tools: These tools, including shears, pruners, and lawnmower blades, often have thicker blades and require more aggressive sharpening techniques.

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2. The Anatomy of a Tool

Understanding the parts of a tool, such as the blade, bevel, and edge, is crucial for effective sharpening.

Blade: This is the cutting part of the tool. It's what you'll be sharpening.

Bevel: The bevel is the sloping surface on the blade that leads to the cutting edge. The angle of the bevel plays a key role in determining how sharp a tool can be.

Edge: The edge is the very tip of the blade where the cutting happens. It's the intersection of the blade's face and the bevel.

Sharpening Basics

1. Understanding Sharpness

Sharpness is determined by two factors: the thinness of the edge and the smoothness of the material. A sharper tool has a thinner, smoother edge.

Thinness: A thinner edge cuts more efficiently because it requires less force to penetrate the material.

Smoothness: A smoother edge means there are fewer microscopic imperfections that can cause the tool to cut unevenly or get stuck in the material.

2. The Sharpening Process

The sharpening process involves two stages: grinding and honing. This is true regardless of the tool you're working on, from kitchen knives to woodworking chisels to garden shears. Understanding these two stages is fundamental to mastering DIY tool sharpening.


Grinding is the first stage of the sharpening process. The goal during this stage is to shape the edge of the tool by removing enough metal to form a new edge. This is usually necessary when an edge is chipped, very dull, or incorrectly shaped.

The process of grinding typically involves a coarse sharpening stone or a power grinder. However, it should be noted that power grinders can generate a lot of heat, which can affect the temper of the steel if not properly managed.

Here's a step-by-step guide to grinding:

  • Choose Your Grinder: If you're using a sharpening stone, go for a coarse one, typically in the 200 to 800 grit range. If you're using a power grinder, choose a suitable grinding wheel.


  • Set Your Angle: The angle at which you hold your tool during grinding is critical. It varies depending on the specific tool, but as a general rule, most tools are ground at an angle between 25° and 30°.


  • Start Grinding: Apply the tool to your grinder or stone, maintaining the correct angle. Move the tool against the grinder or stone in a smooth, controlled manner.


  • Check Your Progress: Periodically check the edge of your tool. You're looking for a uniform edge with no chips or uneven spots. In addition, you should start to see a burr forming on the opposite side of the edge. This is a sign that you've ground enough and can move on to honing.


Honing is the second stage of the sharpening process. During honing, you'll refine the edge that you formed during grinding, smoothing out any scratches or imperfections and bringing the edge to a sharp point.

Honing is typically done with a finer sharpening stone than the one used for grinding. Honing stones are often in the 1000 to 6000 grit range, although extremely fine stones up to 30,000 grit can be used for certain applications.

Here's a step-by-step guide to honing:

  • Choose Your Stone: Select a honing stone that's appropriately fine for your tool. The finer the stone, the sharper the edge you can achieve.
  • Wet Your Stone: Before you start honing, wet your stone with water or honing oil, depending on the type of stone. This helps to float away metal particles that are removed during the honing process, preventing them from clogging the stone.
  • Begin Honing: Apply your tool to the stone at the correct angle (usually the same angle you used for grinding). Using moderate pressure, slide the tool across the stone, making sure to cover the entire length of the edge.
  • Alternate Sides: After a few strokes on one side of the edge, switch to the other side. This helps ensure a symmetrical, sharp edge.
  • Check Your Edge: As you hone, periodically check your edge. What you want to see is a smooth, shiny edge with no visible scratches. In addition, the burr that formed during grinding should be getting smaller and smaller.
  • Finish Up: Once you're satisfied with your edge, give it a few final strokes on the stone with very light pressure. This helps remove any remaining burr and brings the edge to a final polish.

Essential DIY Tools for Sharpening

  • Whetstone: A whetstone is a rectangular block used to sharpen the edges of steel tools. It comes in various grit sizes, with lower numbers indicating coarser stones.
  • Diamond Plate: These are metal plates embedded with diamond grit. They are highly durable and perfect for grinding and shaping tool edges.
  • Honing Guide: This is a device that holds the tool at the correct angle for sharpening. It's especially helpful for beginners.

Step-by-Step Guide to Sharpening Different Tools

1. Sharpening a Knife

  1. Wet the whetstone: Soaking the stone in water reduces heat buildup during sharpening and keeps metal particles from clogging its pores. 
  2. Hold the knife at the correct angle: The ideal angle varies between 15°-20° for most kitchen knives. 
  3. Slide the knife across the stone: Apply moderate pressure and maintain the same angle throughout the stroke. 
  4. Repeat the process on the other side of the blade until it's equally sharp. 

2. Sharpening a Chisel

  1. Set up your honing guide: Adjust the honing guide so that the chisel protrudes at the correct angle, typically around 25°. 
  2. Wet the whetstone: Just as with knife sharpening, this helps reduce heat and prevent clogging. 
  3. Sharpen the chisel: With the chisel in the honing guide, slide it across the stone, making sure to cover the entire length of the bevel. 
  4. Remove the burr: After sharpening, a small burr may form on the back of the chisel. Remove this by rubbing the back of the chisel flat against the stone. 

Advanced Techniques and Tips

1. Stropping

Stropping is a finishing process where a leather strap is used to align the microscopic teeth along the edge of the blade, resulting in a razor-sharp edge.

  1. Apply compound: Apply a thin layer of stropping compound to the surface of the strop. 
  2. Strop the tool: Hold the blade at the same angle as during sharpening and pull it across the strop, leading with the back of the blade. Repeat this several times. 

2. Using a Burr

A burr, or wire edge, is a tiny fold of metal that forms on the edge of the blade during sharpening. Feeling for a burr is a good way to know when you've sharpened enough.

Safety Measures

Always remember safety first. Use gloves and eye protection, and always sharpen away from your body.

  1. Gloves: Wear cut-resistant gloves to protect your hands from any accidental slips during the sharpening process. 
  2. Eye Protection: Small metal filings can fly off during sharpening, so it's important to protect your eyes. 
  3. Sharpen Away from Your Body: Always push the blade away from your body when sharpening. This reduces the chance of injury if the tool slips. 
Related Article:  How to Clean and Maintain Your DIY Tools


Mastering the art of tool sharpening is a journey. With patience, practice, and persistence, anyone can learn to keep their tools sharp and efficient. Whether you're a seasoned craftsman or a weekend DIYer, knowing how to properly sharpen your tools is an invaluable skill and never underestimate the satisfaction of working with a well-sharpened tool.

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